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Our Commitments

CSR for the IMA Group: a heritage, a horizon

Because of our history, our mutualist origins and our DNA, CSR has been a driving force for our company since its creation: concern for the quality of the service provided to beneficiaries, transparency and trust with our shareholders, partners and service providers, territorial anchoring, creation of sustainable jobs that are not relocated, recruitment of seasonal workers, a well-founded and respectful social dialogue, quality of life in the workplace are among the many examples.

collaboratrice souriant
collaboratrice souriant

The way we carry out our business, the human qualities and the technological means we use to help people in difficulty or in vulnerable situations embody by nature this requirement for a broader corporate responsibility, beyond our obligations to achieve economic results.

Take a minute to discover our daily CSR actions!

IMA Group’s CSR commitments

Helping protect our environment and fight climate change

As a service company, the management and recycling of the waste and the energy and water consumption of our buildings are our main direct impacts on the environment.

Inauguration by the Macif Group and the IMA Group of a modern, eco-responsible and collaborative business campus (Le Square) in Nantes. At the forefront of sustainable building standards and organised to offer the best quality of life at work, the site was awarded the SIMI Grand Prix 2019.

Refurbishment of all existing buildings and construction of new buildings to optimise their energy performance and provide the best possible comfort and working environment for employees

Greening of roofs and outdoor spaces

Our energy supplier injects one kWh of “green” electricity into the grid for every kWh we consume

30% of general service vehicles are electric

Digitisation centre in Niort to speed up the dematerialisation of paper flows

Extensive sorting (paper, cardboard, plastic, aluminium, toner, batteries, WEEE, etc.)

Transformation of organic waste from the company restaurant into “green” energy (biogas) and agricultural fertilisers through a methanisation process

Contributing to the reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions: property investments, implementation of the tertiary sector decree and the energy sobriety plan

Applying a responsible digital approach: reconditioning of laptops, landlines and smartphones and smartphones, choice and lifespan of terminals and servers and servers, locating data, etc.

Commercial offers to meet the challenges of climate change: sustainable transport (electric vehicles and recharging stations, electric scooters and bicycles, etc.)

Operational partnerships with market players committed to decarbonising their activities: Hype (hydrogen taxi network), Air France, SNCF, etc.

Support for projects to protect the environment and combat and the fight against climate change: Plastic Odyssey climate change: Plastic Odyssey, Ressourcerie Bazar, etc, Ménigoute International Ornithological Film Festival, etc.

Supporting social and societal changes

Local anchoring is a key pillar of IMA Group’s CSR commitment. The Group is committed to favouring local employment in the areas where it operates and is developing measures that take into account the expectations of employees. The main objectives are to support them in their professional development, offer them quality working conditions, and guarantee non-discrimination and respect for equality. Some examples of actions:

A “skill-based” recruitment process that does not take into account diplomas or CVs, facilitating the hiring of a greater diversity of profiles: young people, senior citizens, long-term job seekers, etc.

A confidential, anonymous, 24/7 listening and counselling service for employees

Partnership with the IPHD (Inclusion and Participation-Handicap, Difficulties, Dependency) Master’s programme of the University of Poitiers

Schemes to encourage physical activity: Inter Mutuelles Sport structure, outdoor multi-sports fields, challenges, etc.

Employment rate of disabled people that meets or exceeds the French legal obligation of 6%

Set-up of an adapted home-to-work urban transport service for employees with disabilities

Actions to raise awareness of different forms of diversity through inclusive and disabled sports challenges

Information, advice and screening sessions: cardiovascular diseases, stop-smoking awareness, etc.

Since 2015, the IMA Group has been ranked among the best employers in the annual rankings of Capital magazine

Partnerships with higher education institutions to develop the integration of work-study students and trainees in the company

Advantageous teleworking agreements for the benefit of work/life balance

Partnerships in favour of local development and structured around the Group’s CSR commitments in the social, cultural, educational, sporting and environmental fields

Non-relocated assistance platforms

An awareness-raising programme for employees based on active teaching: regular information on the Group's intranet (best practice videos and CSR business lines, online CSR escapes games, etc.), events (re-employment fabrics, etc.), publications on our social networks with #IMATOUSRSE to share our initiatives.

A partnership policy that contributes to the development of local areas through sponsorship and patronage arrangements with local partners, particularly in the sporting and cultural fields. The rewards (tickets and benefits obtained) are made available to employees, who benefit from free access to the events and programmes supported.

Support for initiatives to promote awareness and prevention in the fields of health (Pink October, Ligue contre le cancer, etc.), diversity and disability (Le Grand défi, A Side Humant, etc.) and solidarity (French Red Cross, Les Petits Bonheurs, etc.).

Result of the gender equality index1 2024 for IMA Gie: 95 / 100

The results of the 5 indicators making up this 2024 index are as follows:

40 / 40 (pay gap)

20 / 20 (difference in the rate of individual increases)

15 / 15 (difference in promotion rates)

15 / 15 (percentage of employees receiving a pay rise on return from maternity leave)

5 / 10 (number of employees of the under-represented sex in the top 10 highest earners)

Furthermore, in 2023, for IMA Gie, 31% of senior managers2 will be women and 69% men2.

1 The obligation to calculate and publish this index stems from Law 2018-771 of 5 September 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future (Articles L. 1142-8, D. 1142-2 and -3 of the Labour Code). This index, made up of 5 indicators, is used to calculate the pay gap between women and men, and to determine a score out of 100. Companies with an overall score of less than 85/100 must set improvement targets for each of the indicators and publish these targets. Companies with an overall score of less than 75/100 must also define appropriate and relevant corrective measures by agreement or, failing that, by unilateral decision, and publish these measures.

Having a balanced approach to value sharing

Since its creation in 1981, the sustainability of the IMA Group has been built on relationships of trust with its stakeholders, the satisfaction and loyalty of its partners (shareholders, customers, suppliers, beneficiaries, etc.), the commitment of its employees and its attractiveness to future employees. The respect of mutual interests and the quality of the services offered and received are based on the transparency of contractual commitments, ethical purchasing processes, transparent and reasoned data and AI management and a fair social policy.

Responsible purchasing policy including CSR criteria in calls for tender

Preferential use of local service providers, subcontractors and suppliers

Supporting networks of service providers in decarbonising their activities (training to work on electric vehicles, encouraging rapid repairs and the use of light vehicles, etc.)

Aid for the creation and takeover of businesses to support and boost regional economies

Internal laboratory and incubator dedicated to innovation and open to employees

Co-constructing, with our partners (shareholders, customers, service providers), offers that reconcile the challenges of sustainability (electrification of the car fleet, soft mobility, energy renovation, housing resilience, etc.) and the Group's socio-economic sustainability.

Support for the insurance and assistance ecosystems of the future, with partnerships that contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions in which we operate as a responsible employer: founding member of French Assurtech, AURA, Deux-Sèvres Initiatives, etc.

Investments in start-ups that contribute to our businesses and the development of our business models: The Treep (developing the use of the Train as a mobility assistance solution), ZeBorne (a breakdown service dedicated to home recharging systems), BeNomad (an enhanced, multi-criteria guidance service for recharging stations), etc.

Some of the above initiatives are Group-wide, while others are specific to a subsidiary.

Our challenges

  • Helping protect our environment and fight climate change

    Drawing up a Net Zero trajectory for our direct emissions by 2025 for France and 2030 for international entities

    Reduce our environmental impact in our Mobility (development of soft mobility, etc.) and Housing (energy renovation, etc.) through a business transformation programme by 2035

  • Supporting social and societal changes

    Ageing well, health, vulnerable and precarious situations

    New forms of work and employment

    Local regional development

  • Having a balanced approach to value sharing

    Balanced shareholder/customer/supplier relations

    Use of Data and Artificial Intelligence

    Responsible governance

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