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History and

History and

Our History

It all began in 1981

IMA was founded in 1981 at the initiative of three major mutual insurance companies (MAAF, MAIF, MACIF), who were later joined by others, including MATMUT, Mutuelle des Motards, AGPM and MAPA. Our shareholders strive to play a major role in the social economy. From the outset, their goal was clear: to offer a high level of service to their policyholders. True to its origins and history, IMA S.A., a public limited company with an Executive Board and Supervisory Board, has kept its registered office and a significant proportion of its business activities in Niort (western France).

image archive support worker

Values shared by all

Our values are the foundation of our relationships with our employees, our shareholders, customers, beneficiaries and service providers.

  • dynamisme Dynamism
  • audace Boldness
  • cooperation Cooperation
  • confiance Trust

Our mission

Beyond Operational Excellence, Focusing on Customer Excellence

assistance officer

From the outset, our mission has been to provide assistance in all emergency situations, offering a caring, high quality service and a willingness to listen. We diversify each year, to support our policyholders and to make life easier for them. Whatever their situation, we contribute our talent and resources to bring them safety, security and peace of mind. Together let's reinvent the world of assistance and services.

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