This site uses cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that websites store on your equipment (computer, tablet or mobile device) when you visit them. It enables these sites to save your actions and preferences for a certain period of time. In this way, the cookies enable the site to remember users’ data and interactions with a site's different pages: to manage the authentication of a service, a shopping basket, etc.

There are several types of cookies:
Audience measurement cookies, to measure your visit and analyse your browsing;
Advertising cookies, to present the most relevant offers and services to you;
Session cookies, to secure your browsing.

Which cookies are used by IMA?

The IMA Group uses the following cookies:

Audience and performance measurement cookies
Audience measurement cookies are stored in order to measure the number of visits and page views, understand what visitors do on the website, and how often they return to it so that it can be adapted to our visitors’ needs.

Session cookies Session cookies are stored to help manage your browsing session. This browsing session makes it easier for you to access the site’s online services; for example, by ensuring that you do not have to re-enter personal data.

The “accept or decline cookies" cookie
While browsing, we offer you choices relating to cookies. To store whether you have agreed or declined to receive cookies, we are required to place a new cookie on your computer

Name of cookie Type of cookie Description Life span
PHP PHPSESSID Functional cookie This session cookie is used by default by PHP during communication between the web server and the browser. Each visitor receives a unique and automatic ID from PHP. It stores settings on a page-by-page basis so that, for example, you do not have to complete a form again in the event of an error Deleted when the browser is closed
Piwik _pk_ses.1.b670 First-party cookie Displays the visitor's active session. If the cookie does not exist, it means that the session ended more than 30 minutes ago and has been counted in the _pk_id cookie. 30 minutes
Piwik _pk_id.1.b670 First-party cookie Used to recognize visitors and maintain their various properties. 13 months for non-anonymous visitors
30 minutes for anonymous visitors if the 30-minute cookie option is enabled
Piwik ppms_privacy_1 First-party cookie Records the visitor's consent to the collection and use of data. 12 months
Piwik stg_traffic_source_priority First-party cookie Records the type of traffic source from which the visitor arrived at your site. 30 minutes
Piwik stg_last_interaction First-party cookie Indicates whether the last visitor's session is still in progress or if a new session has started. 1 year
Piwik stg_returning_visitor First-party cookie Indicates if the visitor has been to your site before - this is a returning visitor. 1 year
Piwik stg_fired_conditionID First-party cookie Indicates whether the tag and trigger combination was activated during the visitor's session. This cookie can be set multiple times with different condition IDs. Session Duration
Piwik stg_utm_campaign First-party cookie The encoded value of the query parameter utm_campaign. Session Duration
Piwik stg_pk_campaign First-party cookie Records the name of the campaign that referred the visitor to your site. Session Duration
Piwik stg_externalReferrer First-party cookie Stores the URL of the site that referred the visitor to your site. Session Duration
Piwik _stg_optout First-party cookie Allows you to disable all tracking tags on your site. 1 year

How to manage cookies

You can use the banner at the bottom of the screen to accept, configure or decline the use of cookies by this site (the banner is no longer visible if you have already agreed or have continued browsing the site).

To modify your choice, use the "Managing Settings" link. This does not affect technical cookies.

Privacy settings

Your web browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.) also allows you to:
Accept or decline cookies in general
Manage exceptions

Certain cookies may sometimes be required by certain functions offered by the sites, and by declining them, you may no longer have access to these functions.

Your web browser allows you to manage these cookies and delete them as you wish. Please refer to the specific procedures for each of the browsers below.

Internet Explorer:
Tools tab (gear icon in the upper-right corner)/Internet options. Click Privacy, then Advanced and select “Block” in the two option buttons displayed. Click OK to confirm.

Firefox :
Click the menu icon (represented by three lines) in the top of the browser window, then go to the Options tab. Click the Privacy and Security tab. Tick the “Block cookies and Site data (may cause certain sites to stop working)” radio button.

Safari :
Click the menu icon (symbolised by a gear) in the upper-right corner of the browser. Select Preferences. In the "Privacy" section, select the button "Always" after "Block cookies".

Chrome :
Click the menu icon (symbolised by three dots) in the upper-right corner of the browser. Select Settings. Click Advanced settings. In the "Privacy" section, click preferences. You can block cookies in the "Privacy" section.